Chris Wilton
These words open Woody Allen’s great “Match Point”. In it Allen takes us on a story of jealousy and betrayal that ends in tragedy (he gives us a big clue by having Chris read Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment at the beginning of the story).
Reading the opening words again reminded of a Spanish film called “Intacto” that features a group of characters with very good luck indeed. They engage in a diabolical series of tests where they bet all of their possessions and even the fates of other people (there’s a particularly thrilling sequences where the characters are blindfolded and forced to run through the woods).
“Intacto” was directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and represents another fascinating Spanish thriller that’s smart, suspenseful and utterly original (much like “Cronocrimenes”, another wonderful film). It’s fascinating to contemplate characters who gamble with their lives in bizarre situations. If there’s really such a thing as good luck, then it’d be interesting to deal with the consequences of fate and destiny (if indeed there’s a cosmic purpose in each life).
On the other hand, there’s got to be people with very bad luck, people like Bernie Loots, the hero of “The Cooler”. Bernie works in a casino in a very curious role; he goes around the tables looking for people on a winning streak and with a simple touch brings them bad luck (hence the name, cooler). This amazing trait, however, comes with a price; in order to bring bad luck Bernie has to be endlessly depressed. For years this hasn’t been a problem but now he has met a beautiful woman named Natalie; for the first time in his life he is happy and in love.
“The Cooler” isn’t a supernatural drama; its down-to-earth approach to Bernie’s ability is refreshing and the film is sometimes sexy, sometimes funny and always very entertaining.
Do I believe in luck? I think so. Sometimes things happen beyond our reach and understanding. If people could control those uncertain events they’d have a great and mighty power. At least we have the good fortune to experience terrific movies about luck, that’ll do for now.
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