I remember the early days, when chat rooms were deemed as a hazard for children; a menacing den where grownups could create an attractive profile and seduce, with their predatorial charm, innocent teens (somewhat taking from the deranged fantasy of the movie "Hard Candy", a tough morality play about pederasty). Today, chat rooms are more of a relaxed and comfortable venue where people can interact about all kinds of subjects. The truth is that there's been an evolution in communication principals. Point in fact, blogging.
I recently started reading some interesting ones and was motivated to start my own. For starters, I want to devote this blog to several subjects that appeal to me based on interesting motion pictures (since I consider myself a serious cinephile). No statement is divine nor opinion irrelevant, so I would appreciate for people to comment on issues and debate. This first blog (or sins, how I humorously call them) is merely an introduction to myself and my thoughts.
As we approach a new decade I find myself torn between the so-called ecological and social crisis and a new dawn of intellectual renaissance. It seems that people are speaking out and that the new bright talents have emerged from the underground and brought their ideas into the mainstream. If indeed documentaries like “An Inconvenient Truth” or “Collapse” warn us about a stark and ominous future, I believe it’s important to let the information be known and start taking matters seriously. No preaching has ever conveyed as much sense of urgency as an image, so I don’t intent on belaboring on the political, social or dogmatic even as they will no doubt emerge from the discussion of films.
My first blog will be devoted to a double feature: “Temporada de Patos” and “Lake Tahoe”, two minimalistic Mexican films set in Mexico City and Yucatan, respectively. Both are directed by Fernando Eimbcke, a director who began his career making music videos and with his only two films proves he is more than capable on delivering smart and thought-provoking coming- of- age stories.
So, let’s get started.
i know maybe u will hate this::: nice Blog !!!..jeje I`ll waiting 4 da next SIN...
ResponderEliminarther`s not sin without foult !!